When Is The Best Time To Apply GrubEx? Timing Is Key

GrubEx is a substance that is used for the treatment of grubs. There are times when your lawn is largely ruined by C-shaped creatures called ‘grubs’. These grubs can harm your lawn in just one season. Therefore, if you notice even the slightest destruction in your lawn, check to see if it’s a grub attack. Once confirmed, you should know when to apply GrubEx.

Grubs usually do not enter houses; still they can cause a lot of trouble for landowners. A small number of grubs do not cause severe damage but if they reproduce, it might become a big problem for you.

It is beneficial for you to take the necessary steps and precautions regarding the attack of grubs. But you might be wondering, ‘When to apply GrubEx?’ This is a frequent question asked by a lot of people. We will answer this in further article. So, keep on reading till the end to know more.


What are Grubs?

Before we talk about the entry of grubs in your lawn, let us give you a brief description on grubs. Grubs are commonly known as ‘White grubs’. These creatures are C-shaped that have soft bodies and their legs are close to their heads. Grubs usually feed on roots of the grass. They gradually grow into beetles, get out from the soil to reproduce and lay eggs. This results in the hatching of more grubs. They start feeding on the organic matter of the soil immediately after hatching.

What are Grubs

Types of Grubs 

Just like various types of insects, grubs go through a larval stage of life. The species of beetle include June, Japanese, and Asiatic. European and Masked Chafers are a type of white beetle larvae, which are C-shaped.

Almost, all grubs have the same life cycle. As soon as they hatch, they start feeding on the roots of the grass. Now, let’s discuss the main types of grubs.

1. European Chafer

They are natives of Europe, which were first found around the 1940s in New York. A European Chafer is medium in size with an oval body that is brown, reddish, or copper in appearance. Its head is slightly darker, which is roughly ½ inch.

The life cycle of the European Chafer is about a year. As soon as they hatch, they continue to molt and eat till the ground begins to freeze. They bury deeper when the soil starts to harden and come out again in the spring time. As the summer approaches, they turn into adults and start preparing for mating.

2. Japanese Beetle

As the name suggests, its origination is from Japan. Japanese beetles have a length of 7/16 inches. They are oval and have copper-colored wings. The life cycle of the Japanese beetle is similar to European Chafer. Their mating season is usually during mid-summer.

After females lay eggs, it takes roughly 14 days for an egg to hatch. A larva starts feeding immediately on the roots of plants and grasses. The mating season for these grubs is between the middle of June to July-end. Over a month, females lay around 25-30 eggs.

3. Oriental Beetle

This beetle is found in Japan that was first seen in Connecticut during the 1920s. An adult oriental beetle is grey and has black splotches. Just like other beetles, they come out by the end of June and become energetic in July.

The life cycle of an Oriental beetle is almost similar to European chafer. They hatch and immediately start feeding on the roots of the plants and grass.

4. Asiatic Garden Beetle

Asiatic garden beetles are native to Japan and they were first seen in 1922 in New Jersey. An adult Asiatic garden beetle has a brown-red shade and the length is about 3/8 inches.

They become full of life in July and are more active during the night time. When the sun comes out, they sink into the soil and during the night, they come out and look for a mate. Females lay eggs in a bunch of more than 40. The hatching of eggs usually takes place after two weeks.

Where Do Grubs Come From?

Where Do Grubs Come From

Different kinds of beetle lay eggs into the soil of gardens and lawns, which gradually turn into grubs. These grubs feed on the roots of the plant. The Japanese beetle is the most well-known beetle among all the beetles.

How Do You Know If There Are Grubs?

The damage done by grubs in the lawn is usually seen from summer end to early fall. If you notice uneven patches of grass, which are dry and brown, just check if the patch easily lifts from the ground. If it easily peels off, then it is a sign that you have grubs in your lawn.

During the spring time, when your lawn looks lush green and you notice any brown patch, it means that these brown patches are a result of the grub damage from the earlier fall season.

How Do You Know If There Are Grubs

Identification of grubs

  • They are white with brown heads
  • Most of the grubs have six legs
  • They usually have soft bodies
  • When the grubs feel disturbed, they turn into C shape

You might notice some grubs beneath the soil. Other than this, you might see small beetles or pupae. You can make an attempt to dig the particular area using a shovel. Grubs are visible from the month of August to the month of October. The visibility of grubs is also dependent on your area. Grubs feed for around ten days. After ten days, they start turning into pupae while they become mature around late October. Grubs are usually Asiatic, Japanese beetles, or European chafers.

Signs and damage caused by Grubs

  • Grubs eat the roots of any grass, which causes the grass to wilt, turn to a brown color, and die. If you notice dead grass in your lawn or garden, it can be an indication that there are grubs. If you want to check their presence, peel the damaged area and see if there are grubs. The grubs eat the roots and destroy the roots; therefore, the area will be easily peeled off. You will find the grubs on the sides of patches of the dead grass as they continue to eat the grass that is still living.
  • Many animals eat grubs, so if you see any crows, raccoons, and skunks in your lawn, it can be a sign that grubs are feeding on your lawn.
  • Several conditions also lead to patches of dead grass.
Signs and damage caused by Grubs

What is GrubEx?

It may look easy to maintain your garden or lawn, but the attack of grubs can lead to huge damage in your garden or lawn. Removing grubs from your lawn is not an easy task. Now, that you have a slight idea about grubs, let’s understand what is GrubEx?

GrubEx is a material that is created to kill grubs. Killing grubs will prevent the damage of your lawn. Grubs are larvae of some Japanese beetles. If they get out of the larvae, they will destroy every root of the lawn. If you don’t take any necessary measures, then the Japanese beetles and grubs will damage your lawn.

Top 3 Best Grub Killers

Below is the comparison table of top 3 best grub killer that will help you quickly make the perfect choice.

When Is The Best Time To Apply GrubEx?

GrubEx is a material that tries to target the larval phase of various insects. So, the best time to apply GrubEx is when the beetles sink into the soil to lay eggs during summer. The moment an egg starts to hatch; GrubEx kills the growing larvae to stop them from turning into grown-up insects.

The correct timing and accurate application are the primary factors that a person needs to remember. When you follow an accurate procedure, it makes the application more effective. So, don’t just start applying any time. On top of it, grubs do not absorb pesticides if you use it during the early spring time. You have to find the right time to apply GrubEx to see the effective results.

When is the best time to apply GrubEx

The most appropriate time to use GrubEx to treat grubs is between spring and summer start. This can also be between May end and July end. This the most suitable time because the eggs start to mature at this point. To stop the eggs from turning into adults, you need to apply GrubEx and stop them. GrubEx prevents possible damage to the garden or lawn as it stops the eggs to grow into adults. Its effects remain up to four months.

Various people wonder if GrubEx kills other harmless insects, the answer is ‘No.’ It does not harm any other wildlife or insects. Undoubtedly, GrubEx is a powerful substance to kill any kind of grubs. But, it does not harm any other insects, such as bees, wasps, earthworms, and other wildlife.

How To Apply GrubEx?

Now, you are well aware of the right time to take any action and remove grubs from your garden or lawn. Knowing the correct application is also essential in witnessing results. Don’t forget to read the instructions before you begin the process.

  • Around 2.88 pounds of GrubEx will be required for 1000 per square of the area. This process should be done once a year.
  • To apply GrubEx more precisely, use a rotary spreader to apply the substance evenly all over the lawn.
  • After applying GrubEx, the next vital step is to water your lawn. Water activates GrubEx. Wait for the lawn to dry before everyone starts walking or playing on it.
  • Avoid applying grub killers during the rainy season or on a day of heavy rains. A dry lawn enables easy controlling of grubs.

Even if you feel that your lawn is badly damaged, you can still take some action. You need to remove the old grass and change it. Firstly, sod or seed before applying GrubEx. You can also apply it again afterward.

Why GrubEx Is The Best Choice?

GrubEx is a material that is specifically designed to treat grubs. Grubs are the larvae of some beetles. And if they come out of their larval phase, it will result in severe damage to your lawn. Grubs can ruin the whole garden in just one season. They attract various types of wildlife as well.

Therefore, it is very essential to take precautions against grubs. Always try to treat the lawn before the larval phase ends. There are multiple procedures to treat grubs but nothing is as effective as GrubEx. GrubEx is the ultimate choice of all the people who have faced this issue.

Indications For Your Lawn Treatment

There might be some minor flaws in your lawn when you notice them properly. A few signs will tell you that your lawn needs treatment. If you want your lawn to be green and healthy, know what to do.

Indications For Your Lawn Treatment

Here is a list of a few indications for the treatment of your lawn.

  • Analyze your lawn properly. Due to weather changes, the grass might become dry or change its color to brown. This usually happens if the weather is hot. But these signs can also indicate that your lawn has grubs. Once you confirm the presence of grubs, begin the treatment process as soon as possible.
  • If you notice spots or holes in a few parts of the lawn that are dug. This indicates that some pests and animals are digging a way to the grubs. As we mentioned earlier, grubs attract wildlife.
  • Grubs usually damage the sun-exposed area of the garden or lawn. They attack the areas that are facing south as these areas are directly exposed to the sun.
  • The areas in the lawn that have yellowish or brown color patches also indicate that your lawn needs treatment.

If you notice any one of these problems in your lawn, do not ignore them. It is a sign that your lawn needs to be treated immediately. Inspect the cause properly and begin the treatment to prevent any further damage.

How To Choose The Right Grub Control Products For Your Lawn

Not every grub control products are effective. We’ll guide you to choose the correct grub killer for your lawn. Lawns start to turn green after warming up. After the growth of turf, you might find some patches in the lawn where the turf is stunted.

The common reason for a thin lawn with a few minimal patches can be due to the lack of fertilizers. But, some patches can also be a result of a grub attack. However, before starting the treatment of grubs, it is important to confirm that the lawn is affected by grubs.

Remember a few points while deciding the best grub product for your lawn:

  • Few grubs in a healthy lawn do not need an insecticide. If your lawn is frequently irrigated and provided enough water, it can bear the population of around 5 grubs for each square foot. If the grub count is more than this, it is advisable to use an insecticide or grub control product.
  • Do not forget to water your lawn after the application of insecticide. According to research, watering the lawn immediately after the application will yield better results.
  • Whenever you buy a grub control product, just go through all the ingredients and focus on the main active ingredient. They are usually written on the bottom left or right on the package of the product.
  • The last point is to determine the amount of the product. Check the rates at different places and then purchase a product. There are some products that show grubs on the packet but they do not work for the treatment of grubs.

Make sure to remember the points mentioned above while buying a grub product. Read the composition, ingredients, and price properly before making a purchase. Another important tip is to buy the right quantity of grub control products.

What Is The Right Dose Of A Grub Killer?

There are various types of treatment for killing grubs. The right dose of a grub killer is dependent on the number of grubs present in the lawn as well as the affected area. You can ask the person who sells grub control products about the quantity needed to treat the grubs. If you already have an idea about the amount of grub control product that you need, then buy it and begin the process.


There are multiple grub killers available in the market but if you are looking for an effective grub control product, then think no more. GrubEx will solve all your grub-related problems. We hope that you got the answers for, ‘When to apply GrubEx?’ and ‘When is the best time to apply GrubEx?

GrubEx is the most powerful tool to treat grubs present in your lawn. To apply it correctly on your lawn, make sure to go through the instructions carefully. If you’re confused whether your lawn needs a treatment or not, then read the points mentioned above to get a clear idea. Let us know if this article helped you. If you have any further queries, let us know in the comment section.

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