Learn All About The Dragon Wing Begonia And Grow It

If you want to have your house garden or balcony decorated with a series of exotic plants with not so exotic aspects when it comes to maintaining them, then the dragon wing begonia is the perfect choice for you. You don’t have to be confused about anything as we are going to help you with everything related to growing this plant along with knowing it better so that you can help your neighbors grow it too.


About the begonia plant

dragon wing begonia

This plant carries the scientific name of Begonia x hybrid Dragon Wings and belongs to the plant family called Begoniaceae. This also makes it a relative of many other species of flowering hybrids that are perennial.

This particular variety of the begonia plant has been a native of the South American region and then once its popularity grew, it started being grown commercially. There are a lot of names that have been given to this plant like the begonia dragon wing red, dragon red wing begonia, and cane begonia. All of these names draw from the morphological features of the plant, primarily the bright flowers and their shape.

The name of the genus of this plant is Begonia which is a group of a variety of plants like climbers, shrubs, perennials, and annuals that share some of the other characteristics in common. Begonia plants are divided into seven categories and the dragon wing variety comes under the Cane like Begonia category. This explains their evergreen nature and uniquely attractive features.

Physical characteristics of the dragon wing begonia plant

The names and popularity both of this plant largely derive from the morphological features it possesses and we are going to list them for you:

  • This variety is an F1 category hybrid of the begonia genus plants.
  • The flowers of this plant are the prime reason why it is grown in houses as they look like drooping jewels. The different colors of the flowers that include red, pink, and white as per the species give a great charm to the looks of the plant.
  • The dragon leaf begonia is another center of attraction in this plant and their glossy shine, emerald color, and unique shape make up to be the talk of the show. They look like the huge open wings of a dragon and can grow up to eight inches.
  • The stems of this plant are partially woody and very fleshy that grow upright and trail too.
  • The plant grows with very dense roots that have multiple fibrous offshoots.
  • The overall look of the plant is that of a densely tied bush that resembles a mound.
  • These plants grow rapidly and can reach up to a height of 2 feet and spread to the same number too.

Growing the dragon wing begonia plant

Out of the all begonia plants, the dragon wing variety is the best one that can be grown indoors very easily and is generally very low maintenance too in all the conditions. This plant is ideal for being used as a filler plant and as a standalone decorative plant for adding a colorful boost to house spaces.

Basic requirements of the plant

Here are the essential needs of dragon begonia plant:

  • This is one amazing plant that can survive in full shade to full light. They have a very high tolerance for heat and even grow better when they receive full sunlight and warmth. For outdoor plants, a semi-shady spot will be better.
  • The soil medium required for the growth of these plants needs to be well-draining and amended with some basic fertilizers too. The outdoor plants do well in sandy or loamy soils.
  • Their ideal temperature range of survival is between 55 to 75 degrees F but it can even survive 100 degrees F for some time.
  • This plant only prefers mildly humid conditions but can tolerate some higher levels too. However, in drier conditions, maintain humidity with humidifiers or pebble trays.

Method of propagation of the plant

There are four ways in which you can start the plant.

With seeds-

This is a rather difficult method since the seeds of the plant are very small and also take higher germination time. When choosing this method, never sow the seeds in the garden bed directly. The seeds must be started indoors at least six to eight weeks before the last date of frost and then moved out or in the next pot.

Check the right time and go ahead with sowing the seeds into a seed tray with the potting mix and then spray it with water immediately. Keep the tray in warm conditions or use a heat mat.

With starter plants-

This is a faster and easier method that also promises a higher success rate of good dragon begonia growth. Insert these plants into the prepared pot without removing the soil around the root ball. Water the soil immediately.

With stem cuttings-

You can cut some non-flowering stems from a mature plant and then go ahead with inserting them in the prepared pot. The cuttings can be around 3-4 inches tall and dipped in rooting hormone for better results.

With division-

Another very easy way to start newer plants is to divide a young plant while repotting and you will have newer plants instantly. Make sure to not break the roots in the process.

Caring for the dragon wing begonia plant

dragon wing begonia

Here are the best tips you can use for the perfect maintenance of the begonia dragon wing plant:

  • You need to ensure constant moisture in the soil during the initial growth phase of the plant and then cut back on watering once they mature. This plant is drought resistant at some levels but don’t let them be for longer. At the same time, prevent waterlogging as that leads to leaf drop and yellowing.
  • Feed this plant with any liquid balanced fertilizer by diluting it by 50% in alternate weeks during springs and summers. Cut back the fertilizing during winters to a monthly basis and fertilizer only with moist soil.
  • The right time to repot or move the plants out finally is once the frost is gone and the ideal time is spring. Choose a slightly bigger pot only as this plant grows better when its roots remain bound tightly but without being choked in absence of air circulation.
  • The potted plants must be allowed to become dormant during winters and kept indoors in a cool room with less watering.
  • Never leave the plants unprotected during frost as they will die.
  • Some pests and diseases are a major problem with this plant that usually happens due to improper care of the plant. You may come across problems like thrips, mealybugs, whitefly, mites, stem rot, botrytis, powdery mildew, etc. and they can be treated with oil-based insecticides or fungicide spray.
  • You don’t need to prune or deadhead the plant unless you want to give it any particular shape.


This was all about the dragon wing begonia plant that is one amazing one to have in the house as you can keep it anywhere to add an instant charm to that space. The plant doesn’t require a lot of effort but just needs to be taken care of in the right way and that’s about it.

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