Know All About The Anthurium Plant

There are a lot of interesting things about the anthurium plant that can instill curiosity in you and convince you into growing a pot for your house too. These plants bloom all the year and give the vibes of good hospitality. Thus, for having this plant blooming in the favorite corner of this house, read on as we tell you how to grow and maintain the anthuriumandraeanum.


About the anthuriums

anthurium plant

To the huge world of the great tropical flowers belongs the plant of anthurium that is known for carrying one of the most uniquely shaped and colored flowers. Anthurium is the name of a group of perennial plants with more than 1000 species as members. The scientific name of this plant genus is anthurium spp. or anthuriumandraeanum.

Due to their exceptional flowers, this plant is known by many other common names like Tail flower, Painted tongue, and Flamingo flower depending upon the color and shape of the flower from the particular species.

The anthurium belongs to the category of the herbaceous epiphytes which refers to the plants that grow over other plants and not independently. The anthurium species are native to the Tropical American region and has also been known to occur in many other parts of the world like Mexico, Uruguay, and Northern Argentina.

Some of the popular species of the anthurium genus are-

  • crystallinum
  • faustinomirandae
  • crystallinum
  • faustinomirandae

Physical characteristics of the anthurium plant

The distinctive morphology of this plant is the reason for its popularity and we are going to list the major physical characteristics of it:

  • The flower of anthurium isn't actually a flower but is a leaf that appears in the modified form of a spathe with a waxy texture. These flowers mostly carry the shades of red or pure red only. These flowers are usually grown on the end of a thick spike and feel very rough when touched.
  • The plant also features very few unisex flowers with leafy bracts of red, yellow, white, green, orange, and pink depending upon the species to which they belong. These flowers appear at the base of the slender flowering stalk.
  • The foliage of this plant is not any less attractive as they carry some of the brightest and most vibrant colors. They usually grow on longer stalks and each of the leaves is big, veined, and simple in structure.
  • The stem of these plants can grow up to a max of 20 inches and this also depends on how big the spathe or flower grows. Usually, the size relation of the spathe and stem is directly proportional.
  • Mostly, the anthuriumandraeanum are climbers.
  • This plant is very poisonous and that applies to all of its parts. The sap of the plant may irritate the skin upon contact and any part if ingested, can affect the stomach.
  • These tropical flower plants can stay up to six weeks in a single vase with the right care.

Growing the anthurium plant

anthurium plant

This is not a very easy plant to maintain and can put little fuss your way. However, those who are willing to put in that extra effort can have this plant blossoming in their gardens with the right amount of care.

Basic requirements of the plant

You need to provide certain things to anthurium for good growth and here is a list of them:

  • Anthuriums demand the greenhouse conditions since they are commercially grown which also means that they love warm and highly humid conditions. Thus, for growing these plants indoors, you will have to create suitable conditions for them and also give the required amount of care and attention.
  • The soil required by the anthuriums is one with a coarse texture, organic nature, moisture-holding capability, and good drainage. Also, this plant can grow well in a huge range of soils like loamy, clayey, etc if the soil remains moist always. A good soil mix for anthurium can be a combination of sand, peat moss, organic matter, and any base soil like orchid mix or perlite.
  • Anthuriums prefer a good amount of light for better growth but not the light to fall directly over them as that can cause leaf burn. They can also do well in some shade too only at the cost of the plant growth becoming slower.
  • This is a tropical plant, thus, the temperature range of 65-85 degrees F is good for their thriving.

Method of propagating the plant

There are two ways of propagating the anthurium plant.

With roots-

The fresh roots of this plant, also called the ‘air roots’ are one way to start the plant. Take any full-grown anthurium and look out for the roots that are peeking out from the soil base. Cut these roots off and then dip them in any rooting hormone solution.

You just need to insert these root pieces in the prepared pot with the soil mix and then water the soil immediately.

With stem cuttings-

This is the easiest method where you need to just get a healthy plant stem of about six inches with some leaves on it too. Dip the cut part of the stem into a rooting hormone solution and then insert it into the prepared pot with the soil mix till the length from where the leaves are growing. Water the plant immediately.

It would be around 4 to 6 weeks after which the stems would form in both the above methods and the plant would be ready for repotting. When you see a lot of roots coming above the soil surface, transfer the plant to a slightly bigger pot with soil-filled up to one-third level.

If you are growing the plants in-ground, insert the stems in raised soil beds and insert not more than 5 cm of the total length of the cutting to prevent root rotting.

Caring for the anthuriums

The anthurium plant requires a good amount of care but that’s still not a difficult task. Here are some tips for that:

  • Water or moisture is the constant need of this plant. The soil medium must never be left to dry out but don’t end up overwatering as roots may rot and die. Keep mist-watering the plant always or use a humidifier for very dry conditions.
  • Apply a good slow release and medium strength phosphorus-rich fertilizer to the plant after every four months.
  • Mulching saves the plant from colder conditions and for that; you can use sugar cane bagasse, semi-rotted wood, coconut husks, etc. It also helps the plant to spread and grow better due to its epiphytic nature.
  • Common issues like pests, leaf spots, fungal rots, blights, etc. affect these plants that can be treated with horticultural oil.
  • Keep trimming out the dead flowers, foliage, and browning stems.
  • Save the plant from chilly and dry conditions at all costs as they will become prone to withering. Let the plant rest during winters with less watering so that they can grow better in the next season.


The flowers are the prime reason why anthurium plant is commonly grown both by florists and households too where the former uses them for cut flower trade too. If you too want your house spaces to shine bright, grow a pot of anthurium and let its veins adorn the plain walls.

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