Grow The Wonderful Peperomia Obtusifolia Plant For Your House With This Best Guide!

Award-winning plants are a thing and you can have one for your house garden too if you decide to get the Peperomia obtusifolia plant. This is one very self-reliant plant and you will be in love with not just its minimalist looks but also the minimal care needs it has. If you are already convinced, let’s get down to knowing the plant closely and also see the right way of growing it and doing the Peperomia obtusifolia care.


About the baby rubber plant

Peperomia obtusifolia

If you are a gardener who loves neatly arranged and minimalist plants, then we recommend that you do check out the Baby rubber plant. However, we would also like to start introducing this plant to you with the fact that it may just look ordinary to you at the first glance but it holds the Award of Garden Merit which is given by the Royal Horticultural Society. This is thus a special plant and its merit lies in the self-sufficiency it displays in the many survival aspects and leads a long life.

The scientific name of this plant is Peperomia obtusifolia and it is known by many other commonly used names like pepper face, American rubber plant, and baby rubber plant. This plant belongs to the plant family called Piperaceae and the genus named Peperomia. The regions of Caribbean islands, Mexico, and Florida are the native habitats of this plant.

The term Obstusifolia that was added to the botanical name of this plant denotes blunt-leaved and that explains the appearance of the foliage. The part Peperomia comes from the Latin terms Peperi and Homios which means pepper and similar to respectively and this is why the name pepper face.

Different varieties of the Peperomia obtusifolia plant

There exist a plethora of cultivars and species varieties of this plant that have been developed over the years by gardeners to achieve more colors and patterns in this plant. You may come across foliage with a variety of markings in cream, gold, and gray edges. Leaf variegation is the common factor based on which the cultivars are developed.

Here some of the popular varieties:

  • Peperomia obtusifolia Alba with albinism and ivory cream leaves
  • Peperomia obtusifolia Greengold and Variegata with golden and cream edged leaves and sharper looks
  • Peperomia obtusifolia Hummel White Cloud or Albo-marginata with green-grey leaves and silver edges and a waxy texture
  • Peperomia obtusifolia Minima with a medium-size yet dwarf size for a fuller look

Physical characteristics of the baby rubber plant

This precious and super popular houseplant has some of the excitingly visual minimalist features that come down in the form of its morphology and here are the highlights of it:

  • The leaves of the plant look like those of succulents and are very thick. You can find different varieties of the plant with all green as well as multicolored foliage that give a colorfully pleasant sight to behold. The leaves are curved inside and look like cups along with having a leathery texture.
  • The white flowers of this plant grow on thin spikes that can be as long as five inches. These flowers boost the looks of the plant with their shine and spiraling arrangement.
  • The stems of this plant are slender and remain hidden with the foliage arrangement without being weak on their supporting job. They are reddish and have a wrinkly texture.
  • The plant can grow up to a height of nearly ten inches and get considerably broader too.

Growing the baby rubber plant

As we said, this is one of the most self-sufficient houseplants you will come across and this also means that you don’t have a lot to do when it comes to the growth and Peperomia obtusifolia care. With some moderate efforts, the plant promise to do great, and here is all you need to do for growing it rightly.

Basic requirements of the plant

There are very meager and moderate needs of this plant to help it grow:

  • The light requirement of this plant ranges from slightly low to medium and it must not be kept under direct light fall as that can cause the leaves to discolor. It can maintain its foliage and flowers in an average amount of light and you can keep the plant in a partially shady location.
  • Humidity is a great friend of this plant and it must be kept in highly humid conditions for great growth. To maintain humidity around the plants, you can make a DIY pebble tray.
  • The ideal temperature range for this plant is 55-75 degrees F. Warmer conditions are usually preferred by the plant when being grown indoors.
  • This plant can do well in all kinds of soils like loamy, sandy, and clayey but for starting it rightly, you can try peat-based potting soil mix as it has better drainage qualities. The soil must be well-draining to save the roots from rotting.

Method of propagation of the plant

Plant cuttings taken from a mature baby rubber plant is the best way to start a new one. You can either get a leaf cutting or stem cutting for the purpose and then dip it in a rooting hormone solution for faster results. Leave it overnight and then insert the downward portion of the cutting into the prepared pot of soil.

Water the plant immediately and keep it in a warmer and bright location for faster plant growth.

Caring for the Peperomia obtusifolia plant

Peperomia obtusifolia

Here are some of the best tips on doing the baby rubber plant care right that you need to follow:

  • The plant does well with a normal amount of water that involves light but consistent watering in the hotter months. Let the soil get completely dry before the next watering round but make sure to not leave it like that for long. The plant has drought resistance capabilities but its health may get affected.
  • The plant can be fed once in three weeks with a 50% diluted liquid fertilizer with balanced nutrients. Make sure to apply the fertilizer right into the soil and not the leaves. Cut down on it during winters.
  • Pruning this plant is not necessary at all. However, you may need to do it for getting any particular shape and size of the plant but it also helps in the development of bushier leaves. You can remove the dead or wilted leaves for better plant growth.
  • This plant is generally very resistant to disease and other pest issues but it may happen to suffer from issues like mealybugs, root rotting, cutting rot, fungus, ring spots, and aphids in case of improper care. You can treat the plant with any mild insecticide spray.
  • Prevent overwatering the plant to keep it safe against leaf blisters.
  • Temperature fluctuations affect this plant a lot, so keep them in stable condition areas.
  • The plant hates frost and the leaves may start yellowing if you let them stay in chillier conditions. Make sure to move the plants indoors before the weather changes.


This was all about the Peperomia obtusifolia plant and baby rubber plant care for you and we are sure that you have already made up your mind about growing it for your house garden very soon. The strongest point of the plant is its self-sufficiency and is also the prime reason why it can be ideal for both busy and ardent gardening enthusiasts alike.

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